स्पिरिचुअल होना है तो सबसे पहले आत्मा और परमात्मा, दोनों को समझना होगा। कल हमने जाना कि भारत के 12 ज्योतिर्लिंग, प्रकाशस्वरूप परमात्मा की याद दिलाते ह...
Play Episode Get Notified of New EpisodesYou know that feeling when you hear a podcast and it feels like someone is talking directly to you? That's how every episode of Life Khubsoorat Hai Podcast will make you feel. You'll be able to learn about yourself and your life, as well as the circumstances around it. This podcast will help you become responsible for your life and circumstances with spiritual insights mixed in along the way. Join Fb Group ( Flash ) for all the latest updates. rjamit.co/fbgroup